
Finance Commissioner Tony Strickland Announces Run for Huntington Beach City Council



Conservative group on the ballot is led by former Senator Tony Strickland.

Longtime California legislator Tony Strickland recently announced that he has thrown his hat in the ring for the Huntington Beach City Council, standing out as one of the only experienced leader among the candidates vying for a seat.

Strickland is best known for being a California State Senator for four years and an Assemblyman for six years, and is currently a Huntington Beach Finance Commissioner, where he is often referred to as a taxpayer watchdog. Due to his work, he earned a lifetime ‘A’-rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.

At a recent public forum among candidates, Strickland pointed out that, should he be elected, he will have the most experience on the council as an elected official.

Strickland’s plans for Huntington Beach include fully funding the city’s police department, working to reduce its growing homelessness problem, and stopping overdevelopment that does not belong in Huntington Beach.

In addition to his experience in the state legislature, Strickland is also on the Crime Survivor’s Board and was a leader in the recall election against Gov. Gavin Newsom.


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