
Huntington Beach High Teachers Fill Backpacks For Donations



Huntington Beach High partnered with nonprofit Project Hope Alliance for the backpack drive.

Huntington Beach High School administrators spent Aug. 2 packing backpacks with school supplies to help families who need financial assistance. Supplies included pencil pouches, binders, and notebooks for children who are experiencing homelessness.

Principal Daniel Morris, Assistant Principals Dave Yonts and Brenna Orr, and special programs administrator Stacey Robison were among the faculty who dedicated their time to help.

“HBHS is thrilled to have an additional resource to continue helping all of our students reach their potential and remove as many obstacles as possible so they may all find success,” Morris said.

Huntington Beach partnered with the nonprofit Project Hope Alliance. The relationship between the two began in January to help identify students facing homelessness to help improve their academic success and mental health.

“With our partnership with Project Hope Alliance and their presence on our campus, HBHS staff has witnessed students, who might otherwise have given up, continue to persevere and attend school each day,” Morris said. “Our identified students and families recognize that there is a space and dedicated advocate who understands the struggles and has the resources to meet the variety of needs that may arise.”

Community donations to the nonprofit fueled the items collected for the drive. These newly filled up backpacks will be handed out to 400 students from kindergarten to college experiencing homelessness throughout Orange County.


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