
Council Candidate Tony Strickland Touts Advocacy for Animal Rights



As National Dog Week approaches, a Huntington Beach council candidate shares his legislative victories for furry friends.

Huntington Beach city council candidate and current finance commissioner Tony Strickland was named legislator of the year by The Humane Society due to him supporting animal rights in the state legislature. 

Strickland has a long history of supporting animal causes going back to 2011 when he co-authored legislation SB917, and in 2012, legislation AB1117, both of which addressed various aspects for the treatment, care, and ownership of animals. His large efforts have meant that animals and pets throughout California continue to have a better chance for improved living conditions and overall care.

The Humane Society recognised the work of Strickland, naming him legislator of the year because of his strong representation for animal causes. 

While in the state senate, Strickland co-chaired the Animal Protection Caucus fighting for no-kill shelters and regularly held pet adoption events.

Strickland expressed his concern for shelter-animals in a 2014 interview stating, “We need more elected leaders, and more people of leadership that are willing to do just that, to fight for these animals to make sure they are not euthanized and make sure they have a loving home.”

Strickland is currently a Finance Commissioner for Huntington Beach. He spent six years as an Assemblyman and four years as a California State Senator.

For ways you can celebrate your furry friends with National Dog Week, click here.


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