
Tony Strickland’s Legislative Record of Supporting Public Safety



Strickland prides himself on his advocacy for safe communities, the protection of children, public fairness, and care of victims could be a draw for constituents.

As Huntington Beach gears up to elect its new city councilmembers, one candidate has made his approach to public safety known.

As a member of the state senate, Strickland introduced SB115, which requires all public officers and employees, not just those who are elected, to forfeit benefits from public pensions if they were convicted of bribery, extortion, embezzlement, perjury, or any such felony in the course of their professional duties. Strickland’s view was that Californians pay these pensions for the lifetime of public officers and taxpayers should not be made responsible to sustain them for those who have violated the law and public trust.

Another Strickland bill, SB 1253, known as the Child Protection Bill, assures that anyone convicted of molesting a child is forbidden to live within half a mile of the victim’s home. It also fortifies state law which prevents offenders from living within half a mile of a school.

“A child deserves to feel safe in the community and not have an attacker living around the corner,” Strickland said.

Additionally, Strickland co-authored Proposition 83, Jessica’s Law, which “prohibited offenders from living within 2,000 feet of any school or park; and requiring GPS monitoring of offenders.”

As a self proclaimed advocate for keeping communities safe, Huntington Beach City Council candidate Tony Strickland has garnered the support of Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes and Patricia Wenskunas with OC Crime Survivors. Strickland served 10 years in the state legislature.

“Tony Strickland is exactly the kind of pro law enforcement leader Huntington Beach needs to keep neighborhoods safe.” Sheriff Barnes said. “I’m proud to support Tony Strickland for Huntington Beach City Council because Surf City needs leaders committed to public safety.”

Renowned for her support of victims of violent crime, Patricia Wenskunas founded Crime Survivors, Inc. and ushered in Marcy’s Law – a victim’s bill of rights that has become part of California’s Constitution. Strickland is currently a board member of the OC Crime Survivors.


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